Courts of New Zealand

Signify and Courts of New Zealand worked together to create a design and information architecture.

The Courts of New Zealand website site was highly used by a regular set of users, almost an intranet of users, who accessed the site via bookmarked pages.

The site also contained a large number of pages but the problem is how to upgrade the website with a fresh design and new information architecture with the least amount of impact?

What we did

Signify and Courts of New Zealand worked together to firstly create a design and information architecture which appropriately reflected the judicial system in todays age. Signify then developed a process to automate the migration of existing content into the new Information Architecture while being able to protect the important URL's customers were using.

Once the migration requirement was solved, Signify implemented a fresh design that makes the site modern while retaining the right balance between tradition and modernist design.

Technology used

The site uses Silverstripe 4